All that is soft and gentle. A delicate and subtle kiss. Smooth manicured fingers caressing my face. Soft fragrant skin rubbing against mine.

Fragrant perfumes and fresh floral scents. Meticulously applied makeup and perfectly groomed hair. Stylish clothes and matching accessories in the form of belts and bags and shoes. So much jewellery for every occasion. And above all exotic lingerie.

Pink mobile case and violet framed glasses. Soft toys and kittens and puppies. Little cushions and candles and incense sticks placed upon carefully chosen tablecloths and beneath stylish curtains. Bouquets of flowers received with grace and displayed with flair.

Turning a house into a home like no man could do.

Tending to everyone’s needs in an indefatigable way. Shopping, cooking, serving, clearing, washing up, cleaning, ironing, folding. Never ending toil and attention around the clock, no matter the time and no matter the circumstance.

Caring for the sick and injured. Bringing hot drinks and pills and medicines and healing through kind words and a gentle touch.

Discretion in speech and actions. Daring and teasing but never crude and rough. Bodily noises and functions are neither heard nor discussed. Saucy words and innuendo, but no outright vulgarity.

Romance and spiritual love searching for poetic meaning. Sensuality in every form replacing the blunt and the too direct. Beauty of the moment in search of lyrical and romantic symbolic meanings.

Physical beauty and style expressed in curves and goddess like bodies. Unimaginable attraction created by their very being. Sexy and provocative creatures, turning heads and dropping jaws and causing traffic accidents. Breasts and legs and cleavages and navels and heavenly bums. Concealed and unashamedly glaring genitals.

Flirting and seductive looks leading to furtive moments of ambiguous intent. Sparking up of wild abandon and desire in situations which will never be unraveled nor resolved.

Passion and all that is erotic. Raw sexuality and pleasures of the flesh. Orgasmic fantasies and satisfaction.

Love. Affection and caring. Holding tight and hugging until you feel as one. Loving so much that it hurts, gradually becoming the main reason for our existence.

Decency and respect, competing only with kindness and generosity. Well thought advise and insightful direction and guidance in all matters emotional. Intense and deep.

Sharp and intuitive. Perceptive and complex beyond belief. Masters of mystery, spinning webs which they then themselves obliterate. Taking offence and revelling in emotion, complicating issues for good and for bad.

Companionship and support. Protecting and being protected while nurturing with care.

Puberty and adolescence. Menstruation and menopause. Gynaecologist and breast screening.

Mother of my child.

Breast feeding and perfect guardian. Endless motherly love, fiercely protective of their offspring.

Mystery. Secret garden. Long hair. Waxing. Loyalty and camaraderie with other women. Strength and tenacity in wrongly perceived weakness. Unbending resolve. Hardheadedness. Righteousness. Always right.

Impossible to live without.
