…in ‘lay’ man’s terms 😛

Isn’t poetic license simply an awesome thing!!!

One had a really big smile
The other a runny nose
Two had really bad gums
Another was obviously-late
And one with a bloody nose

One was a creamy pie
Two had frilly flaps
A big one was sad and droopy
And another was happily drooling
One was plump and fat

Many were yawning slightly
While several watched in awe
One let out a sudden cough
Then two of them also sneezed
And the smallest ones kept their mouth firmly shut

One must have lived in the jungle
Even in the Australian bush
Another strongly supported Brazil
Several have been turned into airstrips
But many remain balder than bald

Some were virtually impenetrable
Many put you in a rather tight spot
Others offered ample pathways
Two were so spacious they must have been open plan
And the last reminded me of splash and fun

I could swear one was winking at me
While another cheekily held out its tongue
Many were vainly pouting
With tightly pursed lips proudly displayed
One had a little white tail

One reminded me of little red ridding hood
Many revealed their magic door bell
You must press the button to get in
Some were intricately lacy
And all without exception beckoned me in