A true friend will not always agree with you. They will not say that you are always right and they will not say that you are always wrong. They will say what they truly think, but they will say it in a way which doesn’t hurt you.
A true friend will not comfort you in your errors and mistakes. They will point them out to you even knowing that you might not immediately accept the truth.
A true friend will sometimes fight with you and even make a big mistake. But true friends forgive each other. Without forgiveness there cannot be true friendship.
A true friend isn’t perfect but fraught with imperfections. But friends accept each other the way they are and love each other for whom they truly are.
A true friend will listen to you and your problems and then listen a bit more. If they call to see how you are and within less than a minute they are recounting their own problems, then they are friends to themselves and not to you.
A true friend will not use you as an earpiece to their problems. They will talk and confide in you when needed and then they will listen to you when it’s your turn.
True friends can sense it when you are in need or in trouble. They will anticipate your needs and will help you out without you even asking.
A true friend will never be jealous of what you have but will genuinely be pleased for you in your every success.
True friends will give you that last piece of cake.
A true friend will give you the best seat.
True friends do not hit the road when the going gets tough.
True friends will support you in thick and thin and in spite of all the pressures around them.
A true friend is loyal to you until the end.
The harsh reality of life is that we have very few real friends and often none at all. But we all think that we have many, being surrounded by so many who pose as such.
Our culture tends to lean towards superficiality where we all like to pretend. We have endless acquaintances on different levels of friendship, but how many would really support you in times of need. And I am not referring to a little message or phone call just for show. As the saying goes actions speak louder than words and I would go further by saying that actions without words speak even louder!
For me, like charity, good deeds do not come with a public announcement. If I feel I want to help someone I will do it without the least of a fuss. I will do it because I want to do it, without scoring any points along the way. I do not expect a tap on the back for helping my wife and children, so the same goes with my true friends. It is the expected norm and needs no special appreciation or recognition, other than an underlying and untold confirmation that we are truly friends.
People who blow their trumpet already indicate that they are made of wind. Certainly show off your assets and talents in professional and other situations, but helping family and friends is not rewarded by medals.
Do not think and weigh and grudgingly count your friendship. If you love your friends you will give without expecting to receive. And if this is not how you feel, then at least stop pretending that you’re a friend.