When was the last time you just let go
When was the last time you expressed yourself
In wild abandon
Took the bull by the horns
And rode it valiantly around town
When did you break those shackles
That society so strictly imposes
And stopped restricting and self censoring
You are you
You are yourself
Stop trying to be somebody else
Let out all your emotions
Your deepest and wildest feelings
Your thoughts and loves and hates
For that is who you truly are
Embrace your inner self
And bring it out for all to see
For you to live and experience
Who you really are
Don’t punish yourself for being you
For you can be no other
Ignore all those who cannot
Understand and appreciate you
You can only be your best
When you are true and free
Revel in your nature
Celebrate your every trait
Disregard those who interfere
Position yourself at your peak
Relish your greatest differences
Never underestimate the potential
Of your dreams
Venture beyond your horizons
And take those risks
For without them you will remain
A prisoner of yourself
A prisoner of your dreams
A prisoner of your emotions
Just be a prisoner no more