I have to claim full poetic license on this one I’m afraid. For it is rude, vulgar and dirty. But it’s only yet another literary style, which can also be ever so entertaining.


Put your hand down my trousers
You dirty old bitch
Grab me tight with your fingers
You nasty black witch

But turn your ugly face
Before you make me vomit
Cause it’s as white old and dusty
As bloody Haleys Comet

If you try to move
I’ll kick you in the head
Then knock out your teeth
And do you in bed

You know what you deserve
A great big spanking
On your big white ass
While I watch you wanking

Then I’ll drag you around the floor
And use you like a mop
And tug you around
From you filthy little zopp

For I am your wife and mistress
And not in the mood of being flirty
But I know dear pathetic husband
That you love it when I speak dirty