At this time of year I always eagerly await that first cool breeze.
That first and sudden gust of cold wind which differs so much from all the others before it. After months of hot and stifling air, churning up dusty clouds over the brown and parched landscapes. Hazy horizons shimmering in hot currents of air. Burning winds beneath a relentless scorching sun, offering no respite, but blowing fiery fumes like a raging furnace.
Then suddenly, some time in mid-September, when you all but forget that cool can still exist, comes that first refreshing moment. A brisk gust of air with a distinct fresh edge, so unlike all the gusts before it. A sudden lease of new life and of invigorating energy.
You feel its cool and firm fingers wrap around your face. Its rigid arms pushing you back from your shoulders and your chest. You shudder for the first time in months.
There is the distinct feel of change in the air. A feeling that Summer has finally come to an end and that Autumn is suddenly here. Summer is dead. And Autumn will quickly take over with its pale and melancholic grasp.
But every end also denotes a beginning. The beginning of a new crisp and fresh existence with deep blue skies and bluer seas, so often choppy in the strong cool winds. Sudden showers of cool refreshing rain, settling all the dust and producing earthy aromas of wet soil. Temporary puddles and rivulets form all around, after months of bone dry dustiness.
Autumn is here, when the sun shines but doesn’t burn. When the day dims but casts a gentler light. It brings with it a certain sadness and also a certain joy. Promises of new pleasures of brisk walks in the cool morning air. Of leaves rustling in the trees, before they gently fall onto the ground and are pushed around into little brown heaps. Of new green grass covering the fields and the hills, painting soft shades and colours to the previously harsh vistas. Of feeling cosy wearing long sleeves. Of cuddling up with your loved one.
I purposely stand outside waiting… sensing… feeling… smelling… for that first wisp of cool air…