Admittedly inspired my our recent talk here of culture, integration and nationality, here is a more localised viewpoint which represents everything I am NOT but the sad reality of many.
We beat them off our shores oblivious to their plight
No matter what their story or their origin
What we consider ours is not to share
It can only be sold at a very high price
Men women and children the sick and the infirm
Do not deserve a better life as we do
It is their very state of desperation
Illness misery and destitution
Which we despise and hold against them
We only celebrate wealth and great success
Admiration to the powerful and scorn to the meek
It is not our problem or our fight
They should blame their greedy governments
War torn countries full of strife
Famine drought disease and hardship
We did not chose their geographical location
We came there and did our bit not too long ago
Then conveniently retired to the safe havens of our homes
Leaving them to eternally suffer in their post European void
We will send them money food and clothes
Old shoes and blankets and other unwanted clutter
Sweet little prayers full of hope
But lest they approach our shores
We will tow them back out with a vengeance
Into the open seas where we have no control
Far beyond the remit of our collective conscience
We make up stories of horror and of doom
How our comforts and communities
They will tear and destroy with might
All the offspring they will purposely bear
Just to take over our towns and villages
Holy wars and cultural genocides
Racist xenophobic scaremongering beyond reason
All of Europe will be black and Muslim
The West will be totally under their control
Sick demented calculations of their rising populations
Are we in some sort of race
Are we meant to care which religion is the most predominant
Have we forgotten that more than half of Europeans
No longer profess any religion or belief
We will not mention that many will become
Labourers drivers policemen singers
Shopkeepers sportsmen newscasters
We talk only of bad apples and heinous crimes
Martin Luther Gandhi and Mandela
Only figments of our imagination
We despise their colour and their creed
All inferior to our own
We don’t want them in our neighborhood
They destabilize our comfort zone
And contrast sharply with our pools and lawns
Negative equity spoiling our neat white lives
Float away you ugly infidel
Take with you your sick and crying child
Disappear into the distant horizon
For we have claimed this land as ours
Making it arbitrarily out of bounds
We welcome white skinned expats from the north
English Germans Americans and Scandinavians
But not blacks and browns immigrant from the south
We do not love you as our neighbour
Love compassion charity and care
Do not apply
To Somalis Sudanese and Eritreans
Your blood your hearts and your souls
Are not the same as our Christian ones
Go away
Take your suffering
For we don’t want to know
We don’t want to have any part of it
Stop unbalancing our status quo
Just go