I often receive remarks from people that they would love to read my reviews but that they consider them far too long for them to read.

Well let me start off by saying that this is all based on a clever strategy to limit this page only to those with a certain level of intellect. A sort of automatic shrewd culling process, eliminating those with the attention span and concentration skills matching those of a dead cockroach. I know that most of you here will find this very hard to believe, but back in the old days when we weren’t busy hunting mammoth, we actually used to read funny paper things called books. And even more unbelievable is the fact that these book things had hundreds of pages – yes hundreds! And we actually read them cover to cover…

So for those of you who find reading through a dozen of so paragraphs a truly daunting task and prefer reading one line posts all day long, which in reality amount to much much more than many of my reviews put together, I have a suggestion. Check around to see if you can find an app where you can copy and paste a bit of text like mine and automatically have it spat back out at you in one-liners, all in the form of separate posts, which I’m sure you will have no problem reading. As it is obviously not the total amount of text that seems to matter, but having it all neatly and conveniently positioned within one post, which really bothers some people it seems.

So do try to think that this, like so many other things in fife, is all in the mind. It literally takes a few minutes to read any of the reviews here, the same few minutes you will be reading posts elsewhere on FB anyway. So it’s exactly the same thing, but without useless spaces between each line as in the hundreds of posts you are going to read elsewhere.

Unfortunately I know I am writing this post for nothing, as the people concerned will also find this post far too long to read!