Most days I feel strongly about not feeling strongly about anything. The other days I don’t even feel strongly about that.
Everyone has so many bleeding issues. Take LGBT just as an example, and tell me exactly why I have to care so much. The L’s are usually nasty and butch, and simply create unfair competition. They’re meant to know better what the girls want, although I would challenge that claim anywhere, from anyone’s bedroom all the way to a court of law. The G’s are having the time of their life and should try to support me for a change. Last time I checked they weren’t exactly moping around crying about their miserable fate, but were amongst the most successful, talented and popular people around. As for the B’s… now how on earth did they ever make it onto this list, I wonder? They swing both ways, always have it good, and are about the last people of earth who need any sympathy. I would suggest a chastity belt or a dose of anti-promiscuity, rather than rallying for people’s support. As for the T’s, oh well yes, they might be a bit confused, but then again so are many other people.
And in all this we are also forgetting the OCD’s, and I am not referring to the obsessive ones here, just the Occasional Cross Dressers.
Some gay American deranged drama queen drag artist with lesbian tendencies, made all of this up, in some trendy New York 65th storey loft apartment, during a wild cocaine party, just for fun, and fuck me, or rather all of his/her friends, which I am sure they all did, much to everyone’s mindblowing surprise, it actually stuck! How cool is that.
I am most definitely the least homophobic person on earth, which is basically why I stopped campaigning for gay rights somewhere around 1975. Now if I lived in the middle of sister-fucking Kansas, it might be a different story. But here in 2015 Malta, I think it is straight married couples that need protection and that are a dying species, so go create some new dumb profile pic for us please.
Yes I really and truly hope that everyone is now labelling me as the most insensitive bastard on earth, because for me at least, gay people are so much an integral part of my daily social landscape, that I simply and totally refuse to fuss over them any more than anyone else around me. Their battle has long been won and now that they can even get married and adopt kids, they will undoubtedly very soon start to realise that they were much better off on the margins of society, partying and having fun, rather than burdening themselves with so much mundane responsibility which they luckily escaped before their mainstream arrival. Haha, talk about fighting for the wrong rights! Now how gay is that tongue emoticon
Ok, so we’ve done LGBT, so let me now sink my wicked teeth into every other boring issue on earth. There is the environment, global warming, the depletion of the Amazon Forest, the whales, the sharks, pandas, animal rights, freezing of embryos, GMO’s, age discrimination, bullying, domestic violence, equal pay, obesity, spouse abuse, teenage pregnancy, lactating teens, and under-ventilated sweat shops in Northeastern Bangladesh. Naturally this is just a greatly abridged list, for a full list just go to Google and search simply anything, yes anything. I can guarantee that there is a support group for absolutely any concept you can dream of and for quite a few which you cannot.
The main question here is – shouldn’t we care? And my own answer at least, would be a resounding – yes, of course we should.
But frankly, and this is my main point here, we should care not half as much as for the real issues around us, which unfortunately many seem to have totally substituted by their endless care for the forced circumcision of hermaphrodite iguanas in the central Argentinian plains.
I care about all of the above, but not half as much as I do for my marriage, just to throw in an example at random. I give my marriage infinitely more importance and work hard at it every day. I do my very best to love, respect, assist, support, serve, spoil and sustain my spouse, in every way possible. Simply because this is an infinitely more important issue than saving the trees.
Before they passed away, I totally cared for my parents and refused to send them to a home, preferring to sacrifice much of my time and energy for them in their final years. Yes, I know that homes are there for this purpose, but their own home was even more suitable and desirable in their eyes. So in their last few anguish filled years, I put aside my preoccupations on equal schooling for girls in rural Nigeria and decided to look after my parents instead.
I care about my children and grandchildren, for whom I would do literally anything. I think about my friends and relatives. I care about my neighbours and the people around me. And the list will go on and on a bit further, before I start hitting matters such as the freedom of expression of the incarcerated population of racially unequal communities.
I love animals with a passion, which is why I have transformed my home into a mini zoo. But my concern for my family and friends somehow comes before that of the humane cooking of lobsters. Yes it does.
My own personal theory is that in today’s society most have become extremely concerned about themselves, first and foremost. It’s all about their own needs, their full comfort, their life and their desires. Nothing will ever jeopardise their own gratification, not their partners, not their job, not their friends, or anything else. It’s me, me, me all the way. And in the few situations where they really have no other choice than to serve others, they are filled with scorn and contempt, rather than experiencing notions of happiness and satisfaction from giving to others around them.
Then after loving themselves and only themselves, there seems to be an enormous void, with little concern about the people and the real issues around them which should mostly matter, and which should really make them tick. And then somehow comes a passion for relatively obscure matters, which have little or no practical relevance in their lives, but for which they hold very strong feelings.
I too feel for the stray cats in Greece, and yes, for those who perhaps weren’t aware, there is a rather big movement rallying for this issue too at the moment. But shouldn’t I first check out my neighbourhood to see if any lonely, aged person in my immediate community is in dire straits and in desperate need of assistance. Shouldn’t I support my friends and lend them a helping hand in their current troubles and anxieties.
We neglect so many around us, even those who should by far be the main recipients of our thoughts and energies. We disregard misery and hardship which is so close to home. Yet we are so concerned about issues on the other side of the planet.
I feel strongly about the real people around me. The league of Los Angeles leprous lesbians can look after themselves.