Christmastime evokes vastly ranging feelings for different people. Some have retained and sustained the magic they experienced as children, many have become uncaring and unconcerned, while others dislike the added work, worries and hassles involved. There are also a number of people who have come to loath it and everything it represents.

We all have our own personal thoughts and perspectives and our subjective sensibilities. It makes little sense trying to impose your own on others. We all associate the things around us with different factors and experiences in our own past.

I think that no matter how you feel and where you stand in your appreciation of Christmastime, you can always grasp the opportunity to reflect on the past calendar year, on the new one about to start, and about your life in general.

Life should be all about improving yourself in as many ways as possible. About acceding to a better life and to finding greater peace and happiness within yourself.

I like to find a few quiet moments to think about what I did well and what I could have done better. Then to ponder on how I can succeed in achieving more of my goals in the coming year.

This should be a constant process for as long as you live, a conscious effort for greater accomplishment and fulfillment, both in material and in spiritual terms.

Make yourself a better person – for others, but most of all for yourself.