I drove that stake savagely straight through its heart again and again, with all my force. It screeched madly in a shrill and deafening way, banging its ugly head on the ground and lashing it’s scaly tail frantically from side to side.

Its forked tongue hissed in anguish, slipping in and out of its horrid putrid mouth. As more and more of the repulsive grey and brown puss seeped out of its evil heart, I aimed at its beady eyeballs and stabbed at them repeatedly until they were no more than a bloody mess.

The more pain and disfigurement I inflicted to it, the weaker and more impotent it become. This once almighty monster, reduced to ridicule and shame.

I then pulled out my metal sword and proceeded to severe all its limbs one by one, sending it deep into painful shock.

Yes it was gruesome, it was cruel, it was horrific and appalling. And as the blood squirted all over me, it sent me into a sadistic frenzy. I lashed and I slashed and I cut and smashed at the heaving dying body. I hastened its demise and continued my savage torture until it not as much as twitched any more.

There it lay, dead and conquered in front of me.

I had won. I had vanquished its legendary force and evilness.

Fuck I hate mothers-in-law.