I had a friend whose legs were so tall they would never finnish. And every time she spread them someone would instantly russian. She was a good cook and would carefully greece the pan, throw a parsnip and a sweden, before cooking the turkey, which she would stylishly serve in her finest china.
In Winter when it was chile, she would take us to watch the wales on the chalky white ivory coast. At times there was nothing not even a bird and we had hardly senegal. There was only one feeding on algae rhea or some type of greater bird. But then they would jump up and come smashing down on a berg while we watched the iceland in the sea all around.
But one day she fought with our friend Dan, and showed usa court order that she would sudan. He claimed it was all a scam and a con,go figure. Oman was he mad! His spain was so intense that he called the police so sargent tina came along.
But she has issues with my own parents as she could hardly burma and pa. My wife then pretends to agree and utters little yes’s in her language, but canada make such a difference? If italy up all her replies they amount to the same as my sibling’s, but I won’t call my sis silly.
So I relax with my daily Glenfiddich which is my habitual malta day. I sit and let my thailand onto the carpet below. Then the phone rings and iran to get it and oh it’s georgia old sod. He was recently sick and how is the malaise ya old fool? He said – I only hurt my nepal that’s all I’m telling you, that’s estonia will never turn. I was wearing bermudas and I’m ghana be careful from now on. I joked well better not wear a bikini atoll. O cayman he answered, canary and baggy shorts do? It was starting to get boring sigh press on I told him at last.
Denmark walks in carrying on his back a pak,istan in he asks? No Stan has left with some turkmen,istan ever coming back? Dunno but kenya give me a call if he does.
So I called my lawyer but he said he would have to czech re public issues and sent me a bill. All these dues, It’s like since I was borneo people money! And when you singapore song it is worse. That’s why philip ins and outs of prison so often ukraine not believe it. This led to menial jobs of boot tan and polish and dirty virus and germany a time. He says of Les his prodigal friend that lesotho come home.
So at the Reunion we confirmed that Mart, Nick and Tim are gay when we found martinique and TIm wearing a bra, zeal and passion on his face. They backed into each other and timbaktu. But there ain’t nothing wrong in colon be ya happy with whatever turns you on. They bangkok while others only do women and no kathmando. But they also got bedsores on their backside or azores to be exact.
That was my little tale and hawaii see things, but now I really have togo.