Thunder suddenly strikes with a massive explosion. Rain pelting down all around me and howling winds screaming above. The heavens opened and released their terrible and uncontrollable fury. Huge blinding flashes of lightening tear up the blackened sky.
Nature had decided to let out all of its anger and fury. Visions of epic end of the world scenarios came to mind. The earth trembled and shook beneath my feet. Terror instantly shot into my soul.
But there was absolutely nowhere to run or to hide. No shelter or protection for miles around. I could only stand there and somehow withstand the terrible destructive forces. Surrounded by doom and destruction, I tried to endure it.
Everything scary and everything nasty, all happening around me and all exploding right in my face. Disaster and devastation brought about by the worst wrath of nature. Only anger and punishment loomed ahead.
Oh I hate it when my wife arrives home in a bad mood…