Just some absurd and aimless jibberish…
I came in riding my comet
Kicking asteroids on the way
Shouting yeehahs and yahoos
Landing at Paul’s Bay
I got a taxi to Valletta
But the driver just refused
We don’t accept anti matter
I really wasn’t amused
All I wanted was a Fanta
Hard to get in outer space
I thought I might find one
In the capital of this place
But alas I had no Euros
Just a space dollar or two
Exchanged at my constellation
From where I just flew
So I picked up my meteors
And tried to fly home
But before I even knew it
I found myself in Rome
After so many travels
They finally pin me down
At the remote island of Reunion
Then at Toulouse town
For I am Malaysian Airlines
Flight MH370
Floating around the universe
But now it’s time to go home