Happiness is most definitely the most important aspect of our lives. With it everything is good, without it nothing is.
So a little trick I taught myself in recent years, is to try to transform every experience and activity in my daily life into an enjoyable one. After all everything is subjective and today I tend to have fun even in the most unlikely situations.
I have a scream at court – people-watching and making mental notes for a funny writeup, I have a ball with my dentist – who has an equally warped sense of humour, and I had been long trying to find a doctor who would also provide me with welcomed entertainment.
Every day is precious and even one without joy and fun is truly wasted forever…
So after many years trying, I also managed to fix the GP matter much to my satisfaction. After a serious of nondescript ageing gentlemen over the years, who provided me with about as much amusement as a big rusty injection, I think I finally hit the jackpot. This came by chance in a relatively far-off little pharmacy where I had stopped to pick up some tablets and where I was suddenly feeling rather ill. Destiny dictated that the doc walked in right at that moment and realised my state, inviting me in to examine me…
This was many months ago and since then I have always returned to see this same medical practitioner whenever necessary, and even at times when not so necessary, in spite of the relative distance.
My doc comes in the form of an attractive, late thirties, bubbly woman, with a slightly sporty, tomboyish yet very feminine air about her. I must have seen her about four times now, culminating in my last visit only days ago.
I do admit to being a huge flirt, and my doc is anything but immune to this. I always refer to her and treat her as a woman, rather than a doctor, especially as I stare deep into her eyes. This never fails to evoke a special telltale glint in them in return, as if to beckon me inside, and not necessarily into her eyes only…
On a recent occasion she also insisted on fondling my balls and making me cough, although my ailment concerned back pains, which were at most imaginary on my part. However I must say that we both visibly equally enjoyed this little charade!
So on my last visit she asked me to remind her of my age, upon which she replied “oh that’s the very best age for a man, and you look so fit and young and with it”.
I must admit that I instantly developed a semi. In my typically false modest approach, I told her that on the contrary, I really needed to lose weight, to which she laughed and told me that to most standards, I could be considered anorexic by comparison, and that according to her I had the perfect build.
She said this as she was sitting directly in front of me, wearing a relatively short skirt, with her legs slightly open (it was definitely white!), in a rough and ready way, with her head slightly tilted forward, while looking up above her glasses with big searching eyes…
That was it! My dick shot up on guard to the max! Fucking amazing. So what do I do? Naturally I look down and point and tell her in a sad tone, there you go, you see what you’ve done now! To which she replies with an evil grin “Well we don’t have to check that one out do we. You certainly don’t have erectile problems”.
Now how fucking observant was that! I think I’m going to be sick often this Winter…