It was the dull throbbing pain in my anal cavity which eventually woke me up. I really don’t know what got into me, but somehow I just couldn’t resist.
As I made my way through the naked sleeping bodies all tangled up in each other, I marveled at all the new experiences I had been going through of late. And it’s not like anyone was forcing me into them, I just was so tempted to try out new stuff.
While I seem to have lost all my previous sexual inhibitions, my newly discovered pleasures ranged far and wide. Any form of physical pleasure was exponentially heightened and this included my enjoyment of food, drink, music, song, physical exercise, massage, bodily grooming, sleeping and happily dosing. I had mastered so many new sports and dance and had learned to fully appreciate ballet and opera and art. All my physical and sensual pleasures had been sharpened beyond belief.
I got so much raw and gut felt pleasure from all that I did. Constant fun and enjoyment, so much passion in everything I did. Never a dull moment and perhaps the best of it all was that I could indulge to incredible excess. For nothing more could happen to me whatever I did. I wasn’t going anywhere after here.
And the sex. Oh the incredible sex! I had dozens all at once kissing my body, sending me into a delicious trance. All my wildest dreams and fantasies and much much more played out to me in delicious decadent carnal pleasure, beyond my wildest imagination.
Woman of all shapes and sizes administering dirty little tricks, the odd handsome Adonis, a couple of pretty obliging camels with seductively fluttering eyelashes, a young humble goat, a welsh experienced sheep and a hermaphrodite slug. All queuing up to give me pleasure and attention while I just sat back and took in my fill.
And between all this beautiful debauchery were the best ever rock concerts, followed by sumptuous banquets with the best champagne. Slick air conditioned interiors with stylishly designed furniture and chic colourful fabrics to match.
It was just fun and joy and happiness without fail all the time.
I finally managed to move away from the main group orgy I was involved in, with all the sleeping bodies of dozens of happy and satiated individuals. And as I walked through the lush tropical gardens, I pass several smaller groups of individuals pleasuring themselves and softly beckoning me to join in, with lovely friendly smiles on their happy faces. I must say that many were very tempting, but my first priority now was food. My exquisite antics had opened up a ravenous appetite, not only for more wondrous sex and moments of wild abandonment, but also for some great delicious food.
Although I passed many kiosks and stands offering very tempting street food, I headed with a passion for the main food court and when I arrived I wanted to get my fill of as much of the tempting food as possible. So in typical local style where access and uncontrolled abandon is the name of the game, I reached out for a 36 foot tray and headed for the central buffet.
I placed upon it some langoustine, several oysters and a bit of lobster. Then came piles of caviar and some salmon gravalax. A bowl of prawn bisque and some crab claws. Several slabs of foie gras and some duck terrine. A large plate of spaghetti vongole, another of penne al tartufo and a huge creamy lasagne which I had delicately prepared myself. Some white bait fritters, a couple of hell made fishcakes, a 12 kilo angus rib eye steak, a whole beef wellington, french fries, sauteed potatoes, roast potatoes with cumin, a grouper steak, some rare blue-fin tuna and a pagella or two.
I also took a generous helping of freshly baked Maltese bread, which here due to the heat was cooked in a jiffy. Then rather than olive oil in my expected yuppy way, I grabbed instead a few portions of full fat butter, without really knowing why I insisted on this additional condiment. But just keep this in mind as it will all be explained later…
Now for the drinks. I took a mohito, a long island ice tea, a Chablis premier cru, a Chateau Margaux 1962, a Chateau Petrus 1905, an 1875 vintage port, a Dom Perignon 1655, a Louis Roederer Cristal Brut Millesime 1245, and a Hennessy Paradis dating back from 500 B.D. (we prefer using the BD version rather the BC one here!). I also took 6 bottles of Marsovin Antonin Noir and a large basin to sooth my feet while I eat.
And as I sat at my table salivating, I was served by the most gorgeous topless waitresses, who purposely kept bending over, me rubbing their ever so slightly hanging apparel over my face and chin.
As I started to eat and drink, Anna Nicole Smith, Grace Kelly, Mata Hari, Marie Antoinette and Cleopatra suddenly appeared, before they soon disappeared again under my table to help my digestion in ways which only they could excel. Then Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald started singing for me, while Toulouse Lautrec sketched up my portrait and Rudolf Nureyev came to dance for me and gave me a wink and a nod. Hmm no thanks Rudie, that’s sweet of you but some other time perhaps. Let me first heal a bit thanks, I replied as I tucked my sore parts tightly into my seat…
Then My Rastaboy came slowly ambling along. I loved calling him this and he loved it to. So much so that he had it up on the large newscasters everywhere with all his other recent humourous nicknames we all found for him.
With the biggest ear to ear smile he languishly asks me “Maaaaaan, suuuuuuup. U haave all ya senses catered fo?” and hands me his usual temptation in the form of a massive joint. There was just something about him which you simply could never deny. He always so easily managed to pull you straight into temptation whether it was booze, or food, or offering you the most gracious and accommodating of sexual creatures.
So I ate and I drank and I sucked at my joint, as did Cleopatra and co…. and I listened to the best version of Summertime being sung and watched my Lautrec portray being hung and sat back and well I simply enjoyed… Just then a lovely little legna, which is simply a naughty furiously masturbating tempting little backwards spelt angel, flitted by showering me in sweet smelling nectar of sorts. I held up my Häagen-Dazs ice cream, topping it up with light fluffy panna as I tucked into my desserts.
Then I decided to go for a walk and started by feasting my visual senses, so I purposely chose natural beauty in the form of landscapes for a start. So I took the scenic trail passing towering mountains, spectacular waterfalls and crystalline lakes. I walked on stunning golden beaches and up on towering cliffs, taking in the gorgeous scenery and reveling in its beauty. Whenever I was thirsty I just stopped at one of the cafes and feasted on a freshly opened coconut or an ice cold beer and snacked on a bar of dark Belgian chili chocolate, while I stroked someone’s titty or two.
After these moments of reflective and relative solitude, I joined in one of the many parties around. All my previous and newly made friends welcomed me enthusiastically, showering me in gold and silver and gifts of all sorts. Then I jumped into a Lotus Diablo and raced around against a Ferrari Testarossa or two, before we swapped cars and then crashed them just for fun.
Big D came along on a Harley, looking as cool as can be. He threw us all a gold Rolex and a Faberge egg, blowing kisses as he went along in his cute lusty way.
After my pottery lesson, my chocolate massage and soaking in a bath of champagne, I walked out with an enormous bouquet of flowers, a gift from the seductive young masseuse. I loved varying my pleasures, so I took a stretch limo downtown and headed straight for the museums, passing hundreds of kids who had totally fell for their worst and darkest temptations of candy floss, popcorn and candies, as they screamed in delight on their bouncy castles, roller coasters and endless rides.
First I went to a Rembrandt collection and then a Gustav Klimt. I followed this up with Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, then a Dorothea Lange photographic exhibition. And what I always liked best was that the artists themselves would show you around and explain.
On the way out I stopped and listened to Agatha read through Murder on the Orient Express, then to William reciting Romeo and Juliet, by which time I had soaked up enough visual and auditive pleasures and headed into one of the huge casinos. I picked up a large pile of free chips and sat myself down at one of the roulette tables, sending back kisses to the seductive croupiere who I still believe was Marilyn Monroe herself.
This was just one day in my time here in hell, and probably one of the tamest and lamest so far. So I grabbed Beelzebub by the feelhiszbub cause he had at least two or three, and asked him straight and plain…
This is totally absurd and just cannot be! How the hell do you expect me to believe that this is supposed to be our punishment in hell?
For the first time ever I caught a glimpse of a slightly more serious Lucifer who said. They don’t call me Lucifer for nothing, meaning the morning star. This name comes from lux or luce, hence a light bearing individual bringing brightness, enlightenment and knowledge to all. Yes it is admittedly absurd but only because all we do here is oppose religious teachings which they themselves are so absurd. Keep in mind that we don’t make any of the rules here, all we do is go against them instead.
Religious rules are against nudity and sex, two natural things which we simply love and relish. Where the hell did they ever invent this from, as even their big old book never mentions this. Sex and nudity are about the two most natural and normal things that exist. Sex before marriage is another big taboo, which nobody on earth ever even gave an iota’s attention to, however it goes totally against religion. Contraception also is yet another sin which everyone totally ignores. And the list goes on and on with the biggest dogmas of religion being no more than a funny irrelevant joke. Thou shalt not lie haha hehe while everyone lies all the time. How the hell could you not lie even to your own family and friends to keep the peace, let alone to get you own way as we all do.
Go on think more about it, he insisted, and realise how ridiculous it all is. Give away all your possessions you are told, while everyone does exactly the opposite. If someone hits you on the face, then turn you face and give them the other cheek so they can hit you again. I could tell that he was showing off now as he gave me example after example of how ridiculous the whole situation was.
What a load of bollocks, he cried, how about the fact that sex for pleasure and not for procreation is also a sin. As is masturbation simply because it is pleasing and every other enjoyment that exists.
My head started to spin as the tremendously obvious started to sink in and the hard cold truth finally hit home. It wasn’t that I was even ever religious, but the extraordinary clarity was now screaming at me in the face.
Why the hell were simple physical pleasures so shunned when they were the most natural things of all. Why was sex wrong when it was the most beautiful thing in our lives? What is wrong with a nude body and why did we ever have to create shame.
I always knew all of this perfectly, even when I was still alive. But now looking back at my life surrounded by so many sheep, I wondered how the hell some still followed this nonsensical bullcrap, especially as none of them followed the teachings which were so incompatible with their everyday lives.
Religion taught of restraint and sacrifice and pain and hardship and sin and shame and wrongdoing and bad and negative and prisoners in our own thoughts with suffering all the way. While once all of this was totally abandoned, there was fun and enjoyment and limitless freedom and love and carefree joy for all. Nobody cared and nobody had any bad intentions, all that was important was pleasing yourself and everyone around you.
So we all carried on in our business of opposing all that was meant to be righteous and good. We didn’t do anything else than to lead each other into temptation in all that opposed the established religions.
So we made love to each other, and sometimes we were two or three. Because think about it now, if you are one it is wrong, if you are two and married it is right, but if you are three or more it is wrong and all because of evil mathematics. For whatever other reason could two be fine but not say 22?
We cooked food and we brewed drinks which was also meant to be evil. Wafered bread and diluted wine were fine, but anything else was gluttony. Any pleasures to the body and its senses should be suppressed and having fun should never be. For laughter, joy and enjoyment is a sign of the devil and should be avoided at all costs.
So with all this in mind and having strenuously stroked and stimulated my fast growing spirit of contradiction, I finally found a use for that full fat butter. I pulled down my pants, bent down and shouted, Let’s Party!